Pain Management

Tools, techniques and tips for managing pain. Reviews, case studies, insights and product analysis. Extensive research on pain management products.

Pain can be debilitating at times – and for this reason – we strive to unearth innovative products and techniques that can be effective in countering it. When we produce a review or case study, we want to inform you, the consumer – and help you to decide whether something can be of benefit to you. We look at all aspects of a product, providing context with scenarios, and our overall rating system takes into account important factors, such as: features, ease of use and value for money. This gives a more balanced view – and makes it possible to directly compare and rate – one thing against another.

Our overall aim is to identify standout products and techniques that can help to relieve, reduce and play a part in eventually eradicating pain.

5 Of The Best TENS Belts For Back Pain

TENS belts for back pain

I don’t know about you but there’s something a little tedious about placing TENS pads on your own back, right? It’s not a major problem to me but it does seem like there should be a better, more efficient way of targeting the lower back. However, some people – for …

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