30 Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Calm a Busy Mind

Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Calm a Busy Mind

Research shows that journaling has many benefits for your health, particularly for those living with anxiety..

Similarly to yoga and mediation, it is has been shown to improve your mental health and your overall wellbeing.

Be inspired by our list below of 30 anxiety journal prompts:

Daily Journal Prompts for Anxiety

Keeping a daily anxiety journal can be a great way to make sense of your thoughts and better understand your condition.

Read on for nine daily writing prompts for anxiety:

5 Daily Journal Prompts for Anxiety

1. What are your top stressors?

2. Describe the thing you look forward to every day.

3. Write down positive affirmations to practice each morning.

Positive thinking can be really powerful, so why not write down a number of uplifting anxiety affirmations each morning.

You could note down “I am strong and courageous” or “I don’t dwell on negatives”.

Affirmation research shows that reciting a daily mantra has many health advantages, including helping to manage uncontrollable worry.

4. Did you feel stressed or anxious today? What triggered that feeling?

5. How has your anxiety helped you in the past?

6. Write a list of compliments to yourself.

7. What brings you joy?

8. Write a letter to someone explaining your anxiety.

9. Make a list of five quotes that inspire you.

Journal Prompts for Calming Anxiety

If you’ve lived with uncontrollable worry for a long time, then it’s likely that you’ve developed a number of your own coping strategies.

Use the journal prompts below to help you better understand your worries and find new ways to calm your mind:

5 Journal Prompts for Calming Anxiety

1. List different ways you can practice self-care this week.

2. What can you do to improve your physical wellbeing?

3. What do you need in this moment?

4. List five things you’re grateful for.

Regularly expressing gratitude is another way to give your health and wellbeing a boost.

You can follow our gratitude journal prompts which will help you turn the practice into a daily habit.

5. What could you do right now that would make you happy?

6. Brainstorm ways to bring more calm into your life.

Journal Prompts for Social Anxiety

Social anxiety can be a long term and overwhelming condition.

Understanding your triggers could help you cope better with social settings. Take inspiration from our journal prompts for anxiety below:

5 Journal Prompts for Social Anxiety

1. What is worrying you most right now?

2. When did your anxiety begin?

3. How do you cope with stress?

Starting to practice yoga can be one way to cope with stress.

One of the many benefits of yoga is that it takes you to a deeper state of “non-doing”, which can help to give your busy mind a break!

In fact, there are a number of yoga poses for anxiety that can help to reduce stress and anxious thoughts.

4. What was your greatest fear, and how did you overcome it?

5. Where do you feel anxiety or tension in your body?

Journal Prompts for Relationship Anxiety

Relationship anxiety can be a real challenge for many people.

Learn to love yourself first, by using our journal prompts for relationship anxiety below:

5 Journal Prompts for Relationship Anxiety

1. If you wrote a love letter to yourself, what would it say?

2. What is your anxiety trying to tell you?

3. How can you treat yourself more kindly?

Drinking a cup of herbal tea can be one way to make time for yourself in a busy day.

Take a look at our list of teas for anxiety, all of which are known for their calming properties.

These include peppermint, chamomile and passionflower tea.

4. Write about a time when you didn’t feel anxious. Noting your surroundings and who was present.

5. Who can always relieve your anxiety?

Journal Prompts for Anxiety in Kids

Journaling isn’t just something adults can enjoy, it has many benefits for children, too.

Help your little one get started by taking a look at our list of journal prompts for kids:

5 Journal Prompts for Anxiety in Kids

1. Where are you happiest?

2. Where do you feel anxiety in your body?

3. List all the things you’re really good at.

Encouraging children to think in a positive way about themselves can really help to foster resilience.

Asking them to note down or say aloud positive statements can be one way to start developing a positive attitude.

We’ve written a number of affirmations for kids to help them get started.

4. List the songs that make you feel happy and upbeat.

5. List five things you’re proud of.

Appreciate yourself…

Ready to start your journey to a happier you?

Learning to love yourself is a job for life, start today with our journal prompts for self-love.

Laura Smith


Laura Smith

Associate Editorial Manager

Specialist health & wellbeing writer, passionate about discovering new technologies & sharing the latest research.