How to Use Affirmations: 5 Simple Steps to Follow

How to do an affirmation

To successfully practice positive daily affirmations, you need to find the right words and repeat them consistently.

If there’s something you’ve been determined to do, whether it’s establish a regular fitness routine or manage your own mental health, then affirmations can help.

You simply have to convince yourself that you’re capable of it!

How Do You Do an Affirmation?

If you’d like to know more about how to use affirmations then take a look at our step by step guide below:

1. Find the Right Words

Step 1: Find the right words

Before you can start reciting your mantras, you must find the right words and understand exactly what an affirmation is.

There are lots of ideas to be found online. You could start by choosing a bold and powerful affirmation, or opt for something for more specific such as affirmations for anxiety.

Just remember, your chosen mantra should be inspiring and challenging.

If you’re struggling to find one that sums up what you want to achieve, or you’re setting a very specific goal, then you can always write your own.

Affirmations are written in the present tense, so instead of saying “I will invest in my health and wellbeing” you would say “I am investing in my health and wellbeing”, as though your goal is already in action.

Use positive language, no negative thoughts or derogatory words about yourself.

You should also keep them short, less than five or six words ideally, so they’re easy to recall.

2. Ensure Your Goal is Achievable

Step 2: Ensure your goal is achievable

Though your goal should be challenging, it should also be something that is achievable.

Setting an impossible target will leave you feeling frustrated and you’ll likely abandon your daily affirmation pretty quickly.

If your mission feels too big right now, for example trying to run a marathon, then why not break it down into smaller goals?

You might say “I run 10k each week”. Once you’ve smashed that you can set goals for longer distances.

3. Say Your Affirmation Aloud

You need to say your affirmation aloud so you start believing it!

Research into the benefits of reciting affirmations show that they’re able to actually alter areas of your brain, particularly the parts responsible for emotional regulation and self-perception.

You shouldn’t be whispering your thoughts, you should recite your mantras with feeling, thinking about what the statement means and envisaging how you’re going to achieve it.

To reinforce the message, why not ask a loved one that you trust to read your affirmations back to you?

Hearing someone else read your goals can be encouraging but also creates accountability, an important aspect to many people achieving their goals.

4. Recite 5-10 Times Each Day

Recite 5-10 Times Each Day

If you’re serious about bringing your affirmation to life then have it in mind and repeat it throughout the day.

Start your day off with positive thoughts by saying it aloud as soon as you wake up in the morning.

There’s no perfect number of times you need to reach, however 5-10 times makes sure your goal is always front of mind.

Setting a certain time of day, such as when you get yourself a drink or when you go to the toilet, can help you establish a consistent routine.

As you head down to sleep recite your mantra (you can even choose a specific sleep affirmation if you’re struggling!) and you’ll be in the right mindset for the following day.

5. Leave Time to Reflect

Step 5: Leave time to reflect

Make time on an evening, or whenever works for you, to reflect on your affirmations.

Over time you may want to adapt them or make them even more challenging as you move closer to your original target.

Tracking your progress in a journal can be a good way to hold yourself accountable.

Plus there are so many other benefits of writing in a journal. You can use a journal to track your fitness goals, learn to live more mindfully or express gratitude.

Examples of Affirmations

Here are some examples of positive statements to inspire you:

  • I will rise to the challenge.
  • I radiate positivity.
  • I will spread kindness today.
  • I am open and ready to learn.
  • I feel healthy and strong.
  • I am smart and successful.
  • I’m doing the best I can and that’s enough.
  • I am making sleep a priority.
  • I am living in the moment.
  • Today will be a good day.

Here at The Good Body you’ll find plenty of inspiration, including daily mantras for men, as well as empowering affirmations for kids.

What Else You Should Know

Now you know how to use affirmations it’s time to start reaping the benefits.

Research shows they can make you more optimistic as you might expect, but there are 11 other affirmation benefits that might surprise you!

Your IQ will certainly thank you for taking a look…

Laura Smith


Laura Smith

Associate Editorial Manager

Specialist health & wellbeing writer, passionate about discovering new technologies & sharing the latest research.