
30 Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Calm a Busy Mind

Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Calm a Busy Mind

Research shows that journaling has many benefits for your health, particularly for those living with anxiety. Similarly to yoga and meditation, it is has been shown to improve your mental health and your overall wellbeing. Be inspired by our list below of 30 journal prompts for anxiety...

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20 Mental Health Affirmations for Strength and Recovery

Mental Health Affirmations

Taking care of your mental wellbeing is just as important as regular exercise. Whether you’re recovering from a mental health disorder or trying to keep depression at bay, affirmations can help. Practicing a daily affirmation is scientifically proven to relieve stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety. It’s easy to get started, simply find the right words and begin reciting your mantra...

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10 Health Anxiety Affirmations: Change Your Mindset

Health Anxiety Affirmations

Experts believe that 4% to 5% of the population suffer with health anxiety. However knowing there are others struggling isn’t much comfort when you’re wracked with worry. There has been much evidence to show that the act of practicing a daily anxiety affirmation could help. Reciting a mantra for health anxiety helps you generate more positive thoughts and ease uncontrollable worry...

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Combating Spam on Pinterest: Why isn’t the platform interested?

Combating Spam on Pinterest

Let’s talk about the great Pin theft heist… and the big spam fest. Many other Pinterest creators out there will have witnessed the declining credibility of Pinterest over the past few years. Sadly, our experience reveals that the platform has an incessant problem with spam, one that in our opinion Pinterest doesn’t deal with satisfactorily or fairly. In fact, it appears to be getting worse. We’ve suffered first hand through our once popular Good Body Pinterest account. In this article we’ll explore the growing issue on Pinterest and their lack of action in our case to protect content creators...

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What is an Affirmation?

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a positive statement that you can use to help banish negative thoughts and achieve your goals. Research shows that by reciting it regularly, you start believing it and put the words into action. Affirmations are always written in the present tense, as though the goal has already been achieved...

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12 Benefits of Positive Affirmations: Why They’re Important

Benefits of Affirmations

Positive affirmations can help you to overcome negative thought patterns, and rewire your brain to think in a more optimistic way. Repeating self-affirming statements can improve your mental wellbeing, help you sleep better and even enhance your academic performance. In this article we’ll explore 12 benefits of positive affirmations, demonstrating how your thinking can influence your behavior...

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15 Journal Prompts for Grief: Start to Heal

Journal Prompts for Grief: Start to Heal

Grieving can be a long and painful process, with psychologists breaking it down into five different stages - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Writing about your grief can be one way to make sense of your loss, using gratitude prompts to recognize the life of your loved one. Here are 15 grief journal prompts to help you get started...

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18 Ways to Relax Muscles (And Relieve Tension Today)

How to relax muscles and stop spasms

There’s nothing worse than the feeling of tight, sore and tender muscles, but they’re more common than you may think! Muscle spasms can be brought on easily, but the good news is there are lots of things you can do to ease the pain, relax your muscles and even prevent cramps in the first place. Below we’ve explored 18 different (scientifically proven!) ways to relax your muscles and stop spasms...

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