The Good Body Roundup
If you’re looking for a shortlist, we asked The Good Body team to choose their favorites, and these five were the most popular!
- I have a positive mindset.
- I see the good in myself and others.
- I am confident and successful.
- Today I will look for opportunities to make my life happier.
- I am amazed by how wonderful life can be.
Positive Happiness Affirmations
Enjoy those feel-good vibes with a short positive affirmation about happiness and love:
1. My life is truly beautiful.
2. There is so much happiness to be found.
3. I decide where my life takes me.
4. I am a special person.
5. I am surrounded by amazing people who love me.
6. I am living a life I adore.
7. I have a positive mindset.
8. My thoughts become my reality.
9. I am worthy of love.
Start showing yourself and those around you some devotion with our love affirmations.
You can use them for manifesting, attracting or just celebrating all the affection that surrounds you.
10. I am doing my best.
11. I am a happy individual.
12. I am in charge of my own happiness.
13. Happiness begins with me.
14. I am grateful for the life I am living.
15. Great things are coming my way.
But don’t just take it from us. Research published in 2005 aimed to understand the link between happiness and success.[1]
Over 275,000 respondents took part in the study, with researchers concluding that happiness makes you successful, as opposed to success making you happier.
You could always combine one of the uplifting mantras in this article with an affirmation for success, to double your chances!
16. I see the good in myself and others.
17. I choose to be happy.
18. I know I am on the right path.
19. I am allowed to be happy.
Affirmations don’t need to be super serious, especially if you’re looking for ways to add more happiness into your life.
Brighten your day with a funny affirmation, sure to make you smile.
20. I radiate positive energy.
Joyful Affirmations
Happy moments are waiting for you when you begin reciting an affirmation for joy:
1. I feel joyful.
2. Today I will look for opportunities to make my life happier.
3. I am a magnet for joy.
4. I am confident and successful.
Believe in the power of you and boost your self-esteem with a confidence affirmation.
It might seem strange to announce aloud empowering statements such as “I love and respect myself”.
Yet research into the benefits of affirmations shows they can make you more optimistic and increase your feeling of self-worth.
5. I can see the best in every situation.
6. Joy fills my life.
7. I make time for the things that bring me joy.
8. I am making my dreams come true.
9. I spread happiness to those around me.
10. Every day has the potential to be amazing.
Morning Affirmations for Happiness
Wake up each day with a happy morning affirmation in mind!
1. There will be so many happy moments in my day.
2. I will move closer to my goals today.
3. I begin each day with a grateful heart.
4. I wake up every day with a smile on my face.
5. This day is a gift.
6. Good things will happen today.
7. This morning is a fresh start.
Feeling happier in life can be a great motivator.
To get going you might not even need a motivational affirmation, just a sunny outlook and the determination to make it happen!
8. I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
9. I choose to make today a happy one.
10. I believe in myself and my abilities.
Manifestation Affirmations for Happiness
Ignore all those negative thoughts in your head and use a manifestation affirmation for happiness:
1. I am at peace with who I am.
2. I am ready for success.
3. I’m creating a life I love.
4. I am open to new opportunities.
5. I attract positive energy.
6. I am healing every day.
7. I am amazed by how wonderful life can be.
8. I am a powerful manifestor.
9. I love being financially free.
Though they say money can’t make you happy, it can certainly give you more options.
Welcome wealth and abundance into your life with a money affirmation, and experience financial freedom.
10. I can do anything.
Hone a More Positive Mindset
It’s proven that affirmations can actually rewire your brain to think in a more favorable way.
Be inspired by reading our list of positive daily affirmations that can help you change the way you think.
- American Psychological Association (2005). The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success? [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 16 June 2023]. ↩