Laura Smith


Laura Smith

Associate Editorial Manager

Laura Smith is a content writer specialising in health and wellbeing topics, with a particular focus on mental health. She has written for The Good Body since 2016, and also regularly contributes to other online publications.

Among her writing credits, are a range of lifestyle journals on topics such as gratitude, mindfulness and self-care, including products for the travel brand Lonely Planet.

As one of the many people who struggle with neck pain, she’s passionate about what The Good Body stands for and strives to deliver content that provides readers with everything they need to live pain-free.

21 Benefits of Journaling: Write Your Way to Better Health

Benefits of Journaling

Journaling has become a huge trend in the US, with an estimated $210 million spent on essentials, such as journals, notepads and pens in 2018. Some see this rise as a response to people’s need to escape from the never-ending stream of digital content. However journaling has so many incredible benefits for both your mental and physical health...

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25 Journal Prompts for Kids: For Big & Small Feelings

Journal Prompts for Kids: For Big & Small Feelings

As adults, we all look back fondly on the fun and freedom of being a kid! However childhood is also a time to make sense of both big and small feelings, and that can be overwhelming. Journaling is proven to help children understand these emotions. Read on for 25 journaling prompts for kids, including ways to inspire their imagination...

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30 Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Calm a Busy Mind

Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Calm a Busy Mind

Research shows that journaling has many benefits for your health, particularly for those living with anxiety. Similarly to yoga and meditation, it is has been shown to improve your mental health and your overall wellbeing. Be inspired by our list below of 30 journal prompts for anxiety...

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20 Mental Health Affirmations for Strength and Recovery

Mental Health Affirmations

Taking care of your mental wellbeing is just as important as regular exercise. Whether you’re recovering from a mental health disorder or trying to keep depression at bay, affirmations can help. Practicing a daily affirmation is scientifically proven to relieve stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety. It’s easy to get started, simply find the right words and begin reciting your mantra...

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